Kkm Kimia Kurikulum 2013: Tips And Tricks For Success

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Kimia or chemistry is an essential subject for science students in Indonesia. The government introduced a new curriculum for the subject in 2013, known as the KKM Kimia Kurikulum 2013. The new curriculum aims to improve students’ understanding and skills in chemistry. However, many students still struggle to achieve success in the subject. In this article, we will provide some tips and tricks to help you succeed in KKM Kimia Kurikulum 2013.

Understanding the Curriculum

The first step to success in KKM Kimia Kurikulum 2013 is to understand the curriculum. The curriculum consists of several topics, including atoms and molecules, chemical reactions, acids and bases, and organic chemistry. It is essential to pay attention to the topics covered in class and revise them regularly.


  • Read the textbook and take notes
  • Attend all classes and ask questions to clarify any doubts
  • Revise regularly and practice solving problems

Practice, Practice, Practice

Chemistry is a subject that requires a lot of practice. The more problems you solve, the better your understanding of the subject. It is essential to practice solving different types of problems, including multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and essay questions.


  • Practice solving problems from the textbook and past papers
  • Join study groups and practice solving problems together
  • Use online resources to find additional practice problems

Use Visual Aids

Chemistry is a subject that involves a lot of diagrams, equations, and formulas. It is essential to use visual aids to help you understand and remember the concepts. Visual aids can include diagrams, flowcharts, and flashcards.


  • Create your own visual aids to help you remember the concepts
  • Use online resources to find pre-made visual aids
  • Use flashcards to memorize formulas and equations

Stay Updated

Chemistry is a subject that is constantly evolving. It is essential to stay updated on the latest developments in the field. Staying updated can help you understand the relevance of the subject and its practical applications.


  • Read science news articles and journals
  • Follow chemistry-related blogs and social media accounts
  • Watch documentaries and videos on chemistry


In conclusion, KKM Kimia Kurikulum 2013 is a challenging subject that requires a lot of effort and dedication. However, by following the tips and tricks mentioned in this article, you can increase your chances of success. Remember to stay motivated and seek help whenever needed. Good luck!