Pembahasan Usbn Kimia 2016

Pembahasan Soal Ujian Nasional Kimia Tahun 2016
Pembahasan Soal Ujian Nasional Kimia Tahun 2016 from


USBN, or Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional, is a standardized national exam that is taken by Indonesian students in their final year of high school. In 2016, one of the subjects that was tested was chemistry. This article will discuss the pembahasan or discussion of the USBN Kimia 2016 exam.

Overall Difficulty

Based on feedback from students and teachers, the USBN Kimia 2016 exam was considered to be quite difficult. The questions were challenging and required a deep understanding of the concepts and theories in chemistry. Many students found themselves struggling to finish the exam within the allotted time.

Topics Covered

The USBN Kimia 2016 exam covered a wide range of topics in chemistry, including:

  • Atomic structure and the periodic table
  • Chemical bonds and reactions
  • Stoichiometry and mole concept
  • Acids and bases
  • Thermochemistry
  • Electrochemistry
  • Organic chemistry

Specific Questions

One of the most challenging questions on the USBN Kimia 2016 exam was a calculation involving the enthalpy change of a reaction. Students had to use Hess’s law and standard enthalpy of formation values to determine the enthalpy change of the reaction. Another difficult question asked students to identify the structure of a compound based on its IR spectrum.

Tips for Success

For students who will be taking the USBN Kimia exam in the future, it is important to start studying early and review all of the topics thoroughly. It is also helpful to practice solving problems and answering questions under timed conditions. Additionally, seeking help from teachers or tutors can be beneficial in understanding difficult concepts.


The USBN Kimia 2016 exam was a challenging test that required a deep understanding of chemistry concepts and theories. Despite its difficulty, students can prepare for the exam by studying early, practicing problems, and seeking help when needed. With the right preparation, students can achieve success on the USBN Kimia exam.